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Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you!

For information on region-specific services, programs, including how to start a business in Illinois, call the First Stop Business Information Center at 800.252.2923. Our services are free and confidential for companies looking to grow, expand, or locate in Illinois.

Office Locations


State of IL Building
555 West Monroe, 12th Floor
Chicago, IL 60661
(312) 814-7179



Illinois Building
Floors 3, 5, and 12
607 East Adams
Springfield, IL 62701
(217) 782-7500
Myers Building
Floors 2 and 3
1 West Old State Capitol Plaza
Springfield, IL 62701
Spring Street
1020 South Spring St
Springfield. IL 62704

2nd Street
1011 South 2nd Street
Springfield, IL 62704

Please note: The mailing address for all Springfield locations is 1011 South 2nd Street Springfield, IL 62704.

Regional Offices

DCEO also has smaller regional offices located throughout the state, with the two largest located in Marion and Rockford.


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