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About Us

The mission of the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) is to create equitable economic opportunities across the State of Illinois. By attracting and supporting major job creators, investing in communities, strengthening Illinois’ world-class workforce, fostering innovation, and ushering in the new clean energy economy, DCEO works to fortify Illinois’ reputation as a global economic powerhouse while ensuring Illinois is the best state to live, work and do business.

DCEO delivers impactful programs and services through the following offices:

  • Accountability
    The Office of Accountability (OA) enhances integrity, transparency and accountability across the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity’s programs. The Grant Help Desk, within the Office of Accountability, provides valuable resources, training and guidance to entities who are interested in the Department’s grant opportunities.
  • Broadband Development
    The Office of Broadband (OBB) is responsible for administering broadband infrastructure grant programs. These programs include Connect IL and the federal Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program. From infrastructure to utilization, public funding to private deployment, the office strives to be a useful resource to individual consumers, local communities, various state agencies, and broadband providers alike. OBB seeks to make meaningful connections through thoughtful public-private partnerships, innovative cross-sector collaboration, and increased efficiency within state agency and across all levels of government.
  • Business Development
    The Office of Business Development (OBD) provides free and confidential services to companies seeking to locate or expand in Illinois. The primary focus of this office is to retain and create jobs in Illinois and spur capital investment by working with existing businesses and new businesses making expansion and location decisions. OBD administers a portfolio of tax incentives, grants, and programs to help companies develop, redevelop, expand, locate, and relocate in Illinois, and works closely with other DCEO offices and economic development partners like Intersect Illinois, DCEO’s business attraction and marketing partner.
  • Communication & Information
    DCEO’s fast-paced Communications (COMM) team aims to advance DCEO’s mission by raising awareness about key initiatives through communications and media strategies. The team communicates complicated topics to mass audiences via press release and social media channels, high-profile events with the Governor and other key stakeholders, and statements and interviews with DCEO leadership and the media.
  • Community Assistance
    Through state and federal-funded programs, the Office of Community Assistance (OCA) helps low-income individuals and families with job preparedness, education, income management, and emergency services. OCA helps low-income households in Illinois maintain utility services and reduce energy costs through improved energy efficiency. OCA provides funding to local Community Action Agencies to support their related programs that bolster the health and well-being of citizens and stabilize families in need.
  • Community Development
    The Office of Community Development (OCD) runs the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, and through this, they assist local governments in strengthening public infrastructure, improving housing rehabilitation, aiding in economic development, and funding disaster relief.
  • Economic Equity & Empowerment
    The Office of Economic Equity & Empowerment (OE3) advocates for equitable economic opportunities across the state of Illinois for minority, women, veteran-owned businesses, businesses owned by persons with disabilities, eligible not-for-profit corporations, and other underserved communities. Through targeted programs, resources, outreach and promotional activities, OE3 aims to create an inclusive and strong business ecosystem for communities that have traditionally faced systemic barriers to entry and growth.
  • Employment & Training
    The Office of Employment and Training (OET) supports innovative workforce programs and career training and employment services that connect employers to a highly skilled workforce. Helping job seekers access quality jobs, and employers access a ready workforce is central to Illinois’ commitment to ensuring that businesses thrive in our state, and OET does this by partnering with local workforce professionals, community colleges, universities, and other stakeholders to implement state and federally-funded workforce programs.
  • Energy & Business Utility
    The Office of Energy & Business Utility (OEBU) has a mission to position Illinois communities to create economic opportunity in the green economy. OEBU works to create comprehensive access to resources that promote public health, safety, a cleaner environment, quality jobs, and sustainable economic opportunity. OEBU is responsible for overseeing DCEO’s implementation of programs created by the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act. They work with peer offices throughout the department to implement policy and programs.
  • Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Technology
    The Office of Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Technology (EIT) supports entrepreneurs, innovators, and small businesses in Illinois by providing funding, concierge services, information, and technical support. Through multiple programs, different sized businesses are aided in business planning, financial analysis consulting, access to business capital, assistance with meeting compliance regulations, and so much more.
  • Equal Opportunity Monitoring & Compliance
    The Office of Equal Opportunity Monitoring and Compliance (EOMC) oversees the implementation, maintenance, and monitoring of policies and procedures to ensure DCEO and Illinois' workforce centers maintain compliance with state and federal Human Rights statutes, Affirmative Action Plans, as well as equal opportunity provisions under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
  • External Relations
    The Office of External Relations (OER) oversees DCEO projects that include engagement with external stakeholders such as community organizations, businesses, and other governmental entities. OER also collaborates with offices within DCEO for external facing projects such as the Make It in Illinois campaign designed to help promote manufacturing careers in IL. Currently, in collaboration with the City of Chicago, State of Illinois, businesses, and both public and private university partners, OER is leading community engagement activities associated with development of the Illinois Quantum and Microelectronics Park.
  • Film
    The Illinois Film Office (IFO) supports the growth and economic development of film, television and commercial productions within the state of Illinois. The office's primary focus is to recruit new business and create jobs through the administration of the film tax credit program. This office leads the marketing of Illinois’ diverse and iconic locations, celebrated talent, highly skilled labor force, and comprehensive supply chain of industry vendors that support the film industry.
  • Financial Management
    The Office of Financial Management (OFM) is responsible for planning, controlling, implementing, tracking, and reporting on all expenditures and obligations of the department. This includes overseeing the over $10 billion that DCEO issues through complex programs and grants. Through its systems of controls, the OFM aids in the Department’s compliance with state, local, and federal rules and regulations in the deployment of public funds. The Office takes pride in its role to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse.
  • General Counsel
    The Office of the General Counsel (OGC) provides legal advice to each DCEO bureau and ensures programmatic compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The office conducts internal and external investigations; drafts and reviewing grants and contracts; interprets and updates policies and procedures; and provides guidance on ethical matters.
  • Grants Management
    The Office of Grants Management (OGM) provides grant management support for assigned line items, agency bureaus, and other agencies in state government. This support includes providing technical assistance or assisting grantees through the complete grant cycle.  OGM administers grant awards to various Illinois entities, including government institutions, for-profit businesses, and non-profit organizations. Within the last fiscal year alone, OGM has obligated over 1400 grant agreements valued at over $1 billion.
  • Human Resources
    The DCEO Office of Human Resources (HR) manages all aspects of the employee lifecycle, including recruiting, onboarding, training & development, payroll, benefit administration, leaves of absence, employee relations and offboarding.
  • Illinois Works
    The Office of Illinois Works (OIW), through its three main programs (Illinois Works Apprenticeship Initiative, Illinois Works Construction Pre-apprenticeship Program, and Illinois Works Bid Credit Program), sets out to expand equity in Illinois’ construction workforce. The Illinois Works team aims to provide a career pathway for members of historically underrepresented communities and promote construction as a viable job industry for women, Veterans, and people of color. OIW aims to supply the construction industry with a skilled workforce for generations to come.
  • Information Management
    The Office of Information Management (OIM) is staffed in partnership with the Department of Innovation and Technology (DOIT), a peer state agency. OIM is leading a digital transformation toward an enterprise approach to technology at DCEO to gain efficiencies and improve service delivery to the residents of Illinois. This transformation is resulting in improved security and data protection, fewer redundant systems, and more efficient technology spending. DOIT/OIM’s customer centric approach improves access to agency services by leveraging modern technologies.
  • Internal Audit
    The Office of Internal Audit (OIA) is responsible for providing independent and objective auditing and advisory services to DCEO. These audits help determine the adequacy of DCEO internal controls while ensuring compliance with State and Federal requirements. OIA also supports DCEO by making recommendations which help ensure regulatory compliance and reduce operating costs while increasing efficiency and operational effectiveness.
  • Legislative Affairs
    DCEO’s Office of Legislative Affairs (OLA) leads legislative advocacy on behalf of DCEO: drafting, filing, and moving legislation and communicating the Department’s position on legislation filed by external stakeholders. The Office of Legislative Affairs is also the key interface and liaison for members of the Illinois General Assembly and assists with constituent issues raised by various elected officials.
  • Management Operations
    The Office of Management Operations (MO) is responsible for many agency-wide functions such as mail and shipping, office supplies, print shop requests, record retention, building maintenance, telecommunications, and IT related equipment. Management Operations also reviews and approves all travel requests and manages the agency motor pool fleet.
  • Policy Development, Planning & Research
    The Office of Policy Development, Planning, and Research (PDPR) conducts research, develops policies, and collaborates with other DCEO offices and stakeholders to ensure programs align with the state’s economic priorities and community needs. PDPR manages the Illinois Economic Growth Plan, determining long-term strategies for economic development. Additionally, PDPR acts as an incubator for new programs, designing and piloting new initiatives.
  • Regional Economic Development
    The Regional Economic Development (RED) team members are in each of the state’s ten economic development regions (EDRs). Team members work directly with existing Illinois’ employers, and with companies that may be considering Illinois for relocation or expansion projects. Members of the RED team provide concierge services to employers, sharing information regarding DCEO incentives, grants and programs, and bridging to other state, local or federal agencies that support business retention and attraction. RED works closely with Intersect Illinois, the state’s business attraction partner, and with local and regional economic development professionals.
  • Strategic Sourcing & Procurement
    The Office of Strategic Sourcing & Procurement oversees the source selection and processing of all Agency contracts greater than $2,000.00. Procurement adheres to the Illinois Procurement Code, and Chief Procurement Officer interpretations when determining the appropriate procurement methodology to utilize. The Office of Strategic Sourcing & Procurement also oversees inter-governmental agreements (IGAs) between DCEO and other state agencies.
  • Tourism
    The Illinois Office of Tourism (IOT) promotes Illinois as a premier travel destination for leisure travelers and for meetings, conventions, and special events, attracting domestic and international visitors. IOT partners closely with destination organizations across the state to promote the unique destination assets Illinois has to offer visitors and is responsible for developing statewide tourism marketing campaigns and the Enjoy Illinois brand.
  • Trade & Investment
    The Office of Trade and Investment (OTI) connects Illinois businesses to global opportunities. Through a network of trade specialist located in Chicago and six well established regional foreign offices, OTI provides businesses with lead generation support and connects companies to foreign governments, chambers of commerce and other strategic partners around the world.

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