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Connect Illinois Round 4 Request for Input (RFI) on Project Area Units


To further the goal of connecting all Illinoisans, the Illinois Office of Broadband (IOB) has chosen to design “project area units” (PAUs) for broadband deployment. PAUs are collections of eligible broadband-serviceable locations (BSLs) and community anchor institutions (CAIs) which will serve as “building blocks” for potential subgrantees to create project areas. PAUs will be the smallest possible units for which potential subgrantees may apply for grants and will allow the State to streamline the subgrantee selection process.

The preliminary set of PAUs are published on the Illinois Broadband Map.

The IOB intends to use the feedback received during the Request for Input process to refine the PAUs. This collaborative approach aims to facilitate agreement between the State and potential subgrantees on how to realize the goal of universal broadband coverage across Illinois.

Links & Resources

Request for Input Process

What are project area units (PAUs)?

PAUs are defined as a collection of unserved locations, underserved locations, and eligible community anchor institutions (CAIs) to serve as “building blocks” in an application for broadband deployment funding.

What does the Request for Input process entail?

The Request for Input process will allow potential subgrantees and the State to co-create efficient PAUs that will enable Illinois to make universal, high-speed internet coverage available to Illinoisans. Potential subgrantees and interested respondents are encouraged to provide feedback on the following:

  • Which PAUs they are interested in serving.
  • How the initial PAUs could be adjusted for more efficient broadband service.

The IOB plans to finalize the design of PAUs using feedback obtained through the Request for Input process. Note that the PAUs are subject to change based on results of the Challenge Process, incorporation of additional enforceable commitments, and further NTIA feedback on Initial Proposal Volume II.

Who is eligible to participate in the Request for Input process?

All interested parties may participate in the Request for Input process. Entities who anticipate participating in the BEAD subgrantee process are recommended to participate in the Request for Input process. However, participation is non-binding and not required to partake in any future Connect Illinois grant round.

What is the timeline for the Request for Input process?

Step 1. Preliminary PAUs published on the Illinois Broadband Map: March 25 – May 12, 2024

Step 2. Request for Input (RFI) open for responses: May 13 – June 9, 2024

Potential subgrantees and interested parties may offer specific feedback on:

  • The PAUs they are interested in serving.
  • The PAUs they wish to refine due to potential impediments that could complicate broadband deployment.

Note that feedback on location eligibility will not be considered for the RFI process. The PAUs will be updated with the results from the BEAD Challenge Process once it is finalized.

Where can I find more information?

  • Visit Illinois Broadband Map to view the preliminary PAU map.
  • Download the Connect Illinois Request for Input Participant Guidebook for detailed guidance.
  • Attend a webinar:
    • Email to register for the “How to participate in the Request for Input process” webinar on May 14, 10:00 am - 11:00 am CT.
    • Stay tuned for details about weekly RFI Office Hours.
  • Email with any questions or issues.