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CEJA Illinois Map

The CEJA Illinois Map is an interactive map for CEJA grantees and other organizations seeking to grow the clean energy workforce in Illinois. This interactive map showcases clean energy workforce programs, employers, target communities, training, and investments.

The map can be used to:

  • Identify equity eligible investment communities (the target communities for the CEJA workforce programs)
  • Connect to clean energy education and training programs
  • Identify clean energy employers
  • Identify clean energy investments and opportunities  

How to Use the Map

  • Explore the map using your mouse or the navigation buttons (+ - ) in the upper left corner of the map.
  • Click the home button to restore the default map.
  • Click on an icon or region to see information about it. A pop-up table will provide information.
  • Use the search tool (right corner) to find a particular place. Type the address of the place in the search tool.  You can use this tool to find out if an address is in an Environmental Justice or R3 community.
  • Click on the layer icon in the upper left corner to select or deselect the different layers on the map. Select the layers you would like to view.  Only the first two layers are immediately visible. To see the other layers, click on the eye icon. We recommend showing only a few layers at once.

What can I do with this Mapping Tool?

Identify Target Communities

Select these layers: EJ Communities, R3 Communities, and Both EJ & R3 Communities, and Plant and Mine Closures  

These layers can help CEJA workforce and contractor program grantees identify priority communities for outreach and recruitment. Residents of Environmental Justice (EJ) and/or R3 communities are prioritized for placement in the CEJA workforce and contractor programs. Displaced energy workers from plants and mines that have closed are also a priority population. Enter a potential participant’s address into the search bar to find out if they reside in an eligible community.

Engage with Clean Energy Employers and Apprenticeship Programs

Select these layers: Illinois Commerce Commission Certified Installers and Registered Apprenticeship Programs

Identify the Registered Apprenticeship Programs in your region. Identify the ICC-certified solar installers, energy efficiency installers, and electric vehicle charging infrastructure installers in your region.  

Connect to Clean Energy Workforce, Education, and Training Programs

Select these layers: Community College Programs and Higher Education Degree and Vocational Programs

Explore the community college, higher education, and vocational programs in your region with programs that prepare people for clean energy jobs.

Explore the DCEO Workforce Ecosystem

Select these layers: Illinois workNet Centers (American Job Centers), Local Workforce Innovation Areas (LWIAs), and Economic Development Regions

Refer people to an Illinois workNet Center for services to find employment. Connect with your Regional Economic Development (RED) team or LWIA board to coordinate workforce and economic development activities in your region.

Identify State and Federal Clean Energy Investments

Select these layers: CEJA Grantees and Public Clean Energy Investments

Explore the organizations in your region that have received CEJA or FEJA funding in your area. Find out what municipalities are receiving federal clean energy funding for energy efficiency, renewables, or electric vehicles. 

Layer Descriptions and Sources

Priority Communities and Populations Layers

Environmental Justice (EJ Communities)


Environmental Justice (EJ) communities are census block groups that are declared as areas of environmental justice concern based on environmental and socio-economic factors.

Inclusion Criteria

Exposure indicators (pollution levels); environmental effects indicators (locations of toxic chemicals), and socioeconomic factors (age, income level, education level). Does not include racial or ethnic indicators.


DCEO uses the Illinois Power Agency EJ Community Map data, modified to exclude racial and ethnic indicators, per the CEJA legislation. Last updated 9/22/2023

Restore. Reinvest. Renew (R3) Communities


R3 communities are census tracts declared as R3 ("Restore, Reinvest, Renew") by the Illinois General Assembly under the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act (2019). R3 areas were identified via an analysis of community-level data on gun injury, child poverty, unemployment, and state prison commitments and returns, combined with Disproportionately Impacted Areas identified by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO).

Inclusion Criteria

Rates of gun injury; rates of unemployment; rates of child poverty; rates IDOC commitments and returns; Disproportionately Impacted Areas (high need, underserved, disproportionately impacted by historical economic disinvestment)


Last updated: 2/27/2024

Both EJ and R3 Communities


Areas that have both EJ and R3 designation

Inclusion Criteria

See above


Sources of EJ and R3 layers

Plant and Mine Closures


Fossil fuel plants and mines in Illinois that have closed or will close or that have or will experience significant reductions. 

Inclusion Criteria

Closure or reduction dates between 2018 and 2030.


Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Energy Transition Community Grant NOFO; Workforce Commission Report . Last updated: April 8, 2024

Employer and Apprenticeship Program Layers

Illinois Commerce Commission Certified Installers


Businesses that are certified by the Illinois Commerce Commission to install solar, energy efficiency upgrades, and electric vehicle charging infrastructure

Inclusion Criteria

ICC Certified Distributed Generation Installers, Electric Vehicle Charging Station Installers, Energy Efficiency Measures Installers, and Utility-Scale Solar Installers.

Source; Last updated 5/10/2024

Registered Apprenticeship Programs


A US Department of Labor Registered Apprenticeship Program is a work-based learning model where on-the-job training is combined with relevant classroom instruction.

Inclusion Criteria

U.S. Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the construction and building trades, as well as other clean energy affiliated industries. Includes union and non-union programs, single and multi-employer programs,  apprenticeship intermediaries, and classroom training providers


Registered Apprenticeship Partners Information Database System with additions from Illinois Works Pre-apprenticeship Program Heat Map; Last updated April 8, 2024

Clean Energy Education & Training Program Layers

Community Colleges


Public community colleges in Illinois that offer education and training to prepare people for clean energy jobs.

Inclusion Criteria

Education and training programs with CIP (Classification of Instructional Programs) 2-digit codes in Architecture, Business, Construction Trades, Engineering, Engineering Technologies, Mechanic and Repair Technology, Precision Production, and Production Technologies. These programs may or may not train people for clean energy jobs.


Illinois Community College Board

Last updated April 8, 2024

Higher Education and Vocational Schools


Higher education and vocational institutions in Illinois that offer educational degree programs or vocational training to prepare people for clean energy jobs. Public and private universities and Private Business and Vocational Schools (PBVS) are included. Both for-profit and not-for-profit institutions are included. 

Inclusion Criteria

Education and training programs with CIP (Classification of Instructional Programs) 2-digit codes in Architecture, Business, Construction Trades, Engineering, Engineering Technologies, Mechanic and Repair Technology, Precision Production, and Production Technologies. These programs may or may not actually train people for clean energy jobs.


Illinois Board of Higher Education

DCEO Workforce Layers

Illinois WorkNet Centers (American Job Centers


Illinois workNet Centers (also called American Job Centers) are employment centers that help people find jobs, prepare for a career, and access support services such as financial aid and childcare.

Inclusion Criteria

All workNet Centers in Illinois


Illinois workNet Center

Last updated 7/10/2024

Local Workforce Innovation Areas (LWIAs)


Local Workforce Innovation Areas (LWIA) are designated areas under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) where public workforce programs are administered.

Inclusion Criteria

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)


Economic Development Regions (EDRs)


The State of Illinois is divided into 10 Economic Development Regions to coordinate local economic development and workforce resources across the state.

Clean Energy Investment Layers

CEJA Grantees


Organizations that have received CEJA funding for the CEJA programs administered by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity

Inclusion Criteria

CEJA and FEJA Workforce Program grantees: CEJA Workforce Hubs, Energy Transition Navigator Program, Climate Works Pre-apprenticeship Program, Craft Apprenticeship Program, Solar Training Pipeline Program, and the Multi-cultural Jobs Program; CEJA Economic Development Program grantees: Coal to Solar Energy Storage Program and Energy Transition Community Grants


DCEO CEJA Updates and Program Status

Last updated 7/10/2024

Public Clean Energy Investments


Illinois municipalities that have received federal clean energy funding through the Inflation Reduction Act or the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

Inclusion Criteria

Federal grants in the following categories: clean energy; clean energy and power; electric vehicles, buses, and ferries; public transportation; clean buildings and homes



Contact Us

The map has been developed by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Climate Jobs Institute and the Smart Energy Design Assistance Center in collaboration with the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. It was last updated July 23, 2024.

Questions about the map may be directed to Linda Larsen,