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BEAD-Funded Connect Illinois Round 4 Pre-Qualification Process


The pre-qualification process is an opportunity to participate in the BEAD grant program and fulfill programmatic obligations and compliance requirements ahead of the main application round. Prospective subgrantees are strongly encouraged to participate.

Key Links & Resources


Pre-qualification process begins: June 17, 2024

Priority Review Deadline: July 9, 2024 

  • Prospective subgrantees who wish to receive feedback earlier should submit by this deadline; the State strongly encourages submissions by this time.

Regular Review Deadline: July 23, 2024 

Feedback Timeline: Feedback will be returned on a rolling basis.  

Prequalification Process Overview

What are the qualifications required?

There are seven types of qualifications required under BEAD, as follows:

  1. Financial capabilities
  2. Managerial capabilities
  3. Technical capabilities
  4. Legal and regulatory compliance
  5. Operational capabilities
  6. Ownership
  7. Stewardship of other public funding

Please view the Pre-qualification Submission Guidebook for details on each qualification. Prospective subgrantees may submit none, some, or all materials during the pre-qualification process. 

Who is eligible to participate in the pre-qualification process?

Anyone eligible to participate in the BEAD program may participate in the pre-qualification process.

Why should eligible entities participate in the pre-qualification process?

The pre-qualification process is designed for prospective subgrantees to:

  1. Gain familiarity with BEAD requirements. Gain an early familiarity with the BEAD program’s requirements and receive feedback on their qualification materials from the IOB. 
  2. Reduce administrative burden. Potentially obtain early approval on qualification materials, reducing the administrative burden during the subgrantee process. 
  3. Mitigate risks and delays. Mitigate risks and potential delays by having more time to identify and resolve any potential shortcomings or concerns in the pre-qualification submissions before the sub-grantee process begins.