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Women's HERstory Month 2025

Please join the Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity (DCEO) as we celebrate and honor HER, Illinois women-owned businesses, during national Women’s HERstory Month and International Woman’s Day. Throughout the month, DCEO is elevating resources to advance women-owned businesses throughout the state and is spotlighting Illinois women business owners. 


Overview of Financial Capital Resources for Small Businesses
Wednesday | March 5, 2025 | 10:00 – 11:00 AM | Virtual | Register here
Tailored for businesses of all stages & industries.

Is access to financial capital important for your business? During the monthly Online with OE3 series, Team OE3 provides the latest financial capital resources (grants, loans, etc.) offered across the sectors, along with other opportunities and updates for business owners. 

Additional Events Throughout Illinois’ Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

To view additional upcoming events for women-owned businesses happening throughout Illinois during the month of March and year-round. 


Connecting HER to Illinois Business Resources Guide
As the most in-depth, cross-sector business resources tool in the state, this guide provides a wealth of knowledge for Illinois women-owned businesses, future women business owners, aspiring female entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs from all communities; many of the resources are applicable to all genders, too. Offerings in the statewide tool include business resources presented by entrepreneurial support organizations (ESOs) and aligned multisector organizations. Resources include financial capital (grants, loans, tools, etc.), social capital (mentoring programs & networking opportunities), contractor & vendor opportunities, and much more! 

Celebrate Illinois Women-Owned Businesses

Throughout the month of March, we encourage Illinoisans to support and utilize women-owned businesses in their local communities and during their travels in the state. Below are a few business directories and articles which list Illinois women-owned businesses. Check with your local chambers of commerce organizations, economic development corporations (EDCs), non-profits, etc. for business directories as well!

The state’s Women’s HERstory Month and International Woman’s Day resources for Illinois women-owned businesses, future women business owners, aspiring female entrepreneurs, and entrepreneurs from all backgrounds, are presented by DCEO’s Office of Economic Equity & Empowerment (OE3), Office of Regional Economic Development (RED), and Office of Trade and Investment (OTI). OE3 plays an important role in connecting Illinois women entrepreneurs and business owners from all backgrounds and communities to regional, statewide and national business resources and opportunities offered across the sectors. Team RED provides incentives to bolster enterprises, and the team also offers confidential services to companies seeking to expand or relocate within Illinois. Team OTI opens overseas markets for Illinois companies and promotes foreign direct investment in Illinois. For more information on Illinois’ Women’s HERstory Month 2025 events planned for businesses and/or to learn more about ongoing resources and programs for women-owned businesses and future women entrepreneurs, please follow DCEO on social media @IllinoisDCEO. You can also contact any team member from Team OE3, Team RED, and/or Team OTI