Illinois Central Region
Regional Hubs
- Springfield
- Decatur
- Jacksonville
- Lincoln
- Taylorville
- Litchfield
- Carlinville
- Sangamon
- Macon
- Macoupin
- Morgan
- Christian
- Logan
- Montgomery
- Shelby
- Greene
- Menard
- Cass
- Scott
- Agricultural Inputs and Services
- Livestock Processing
- Paper and Packaging
- Business Services
- Food Processing and Manufacturing
- Hospitality
- Medical Devices and Healthcare
- Mining (Coal and Nonmetal)
- Production Technology and Heavy Machinery
- Water Transportation
Major Employers and Headquarters
Higher Education
- Illinois College
- University of Illinois at Springfield
- Lincoln Land Community College (offers region's only aviation mechanics program)
- Southern Illinois University - School of Medicine
- Midwest Technical Institute
- Richland Community College (offers degrees in biofuels and bioprocessing)
Unique Facts
- Springfield, Illinois' State Capital, is located in the Central Region
- Population 550,000+; Labor force of almost 270,000
- Access to 90 million people within a day's drive
- Located in the heart of the agricultural belt of Illinois and the country's corn belt
- Paper manufacturing and printing and related support activities are 20% more concentrated than U.S. average
- Over 10,000 jobs in food manufacturing and fabricated metal manufacturing
- Hospitality, marketing & sales, and tourism employ 124,000
- Healthcare employs 55,000 and Springfield is home to the Mid Illinois Medical District
- Multiple airports (including Decatur Airport; one of four components of the Midwest Inland Port
Region Specific Assistance
Belynda Allen
Central Senior Region Manager
The Illinois Department of Commerce is Your One-Stop Resource
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Customized Workforce Training
Regional & Local Collaboration
Expedited Permitting, Licensing & Other Approvals
Connection to Key Stakeholders and Civic & Business Partners
Potential Financial Support
And More!