Illinois North Central Region
Regional Hubs
- Peoria
- Bloomington
- Normal
- Pekin
- East Peoria
- Morton
- Washington
- Canton
- Pontiac
- Peoria
- McLean
- Tazewell
- Woodford
- Livingston
- Fulton
- DeWitt
- Mason
- Marshall
- Stark
Key Industries
- Advanced Business Services
- Information & Communications Technologies
- Transportation and Logistics
- Biomedical
- Computer and Electronic Products
- Food/Beverage Machinery and Capital Equipment
- Agribusiness
- Automotive
Major Employers and Headquarters
Corporate HQ:
Higher Education
Unique Facts
- Population 650,000+; Workforce 300,000+
- Peoria is home to a thriving and innovative health care industry with numerous partners
- The Peoria NEXT Innovation Center is a 48,000 square foot technology incubator for entrepreneurial businesses looking to make their mark on the world
- The Amtrak station in Bloomington-Normal is frequently ranked as one of the busiest Amtrak stations in the midwest (229,894 passengers in 2019) and provides service to Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Louis
- Central Illinois Regional Airport (BMI) in Bloomington features an 8,000 foot primary runway and 6,500 foot crosswind runway with three Instrument Landing Systems including a CAT II, providing for reliable operations during inclement weather conditions. FedEx operates a daily air cargo flight and a sorting and distribution facility at BMI and many corporate and private aircraft are based at BMI along with service from Delta, American Airlines, Frontier, and Allegiant.
- Morton is known as the Pumpkin Capital of the World because 85% of the world’s canned pumpkin is packed there
Region Specific Assistance
Lauren Gibson, AICP
North Central Senior Region Manager
Mark Adams
North Central Region Manager
The Illinois Department of Commerce is Your One-Stop Resource
- Site Selection
- Customized Workforce Training
- Regional & Local Collaboration
- Expedited Permitting, Licensing & Other Approvals
- Connection to Key Stakeholders and Civic & Business Partners
- Potential Financial Support
- And more!