Illinois Northeast Region
Regional Hubs
- Chicago
- Aurora
- Joliet
- Naperville
- Elgin
- Waukegan
- Cicero
- Cook
- DuPage
- Lake
- Will
- Kane
- McHenry
- Kendall
- Kankakee
- DeKalb
- Grundy
Key Industries
- IT
- Energy
- Life Sciences & Healthcare
- Manufacturing & Agribusiness
- AgTech
- Food Manufacturing
- Machinery
Major Employers and Headquarters
Higher Education
- Aurora University
- DePaul University
- Illinois Institute of Technology
- Loyola University Chicago
- Northern Illinois University
- Northwestern University (#9 nationally ranked university)
- University of Chicago (#6 nationally ranked university)
- University of Illinois at Chicago
Unique Facts
- Population 7,655,490+; Workforce of almost 4,000,000
- Home to several Fortune 500 companies; 275 digital startups launched annually; over two-thirds of Illinois’ manufacturers are located in the Northeast Region, with 10,000+ manufacturing facilities (2020).
3rd largest container hub in the world - 4 hours or less flight times to all North American destinations
- Northeast Region is home to the United State Navy Boot Camp which serves as a major economic driver to the State
- Home to the Illinois Medical District (IMD), which is made up of over 560 acres of medical research facilities, labs, a biotech business incubator, and two universities. The IMD is anchored by four major hospitals.
Chicago facts
- #1 metro for Big Ten Alumni & #1 city for Recent Grads (2020)
- Ranked “Top Metro” for corporate expansions 7 consecutive years (2020)
- 416 business expansions/relocations (Chicago MSA); $5Binvestment (2020)
- #1 in Foreign Direct Investment (2019)
- 1,800+ foreign based companies accounting for $140B+in FDI (2020)
- Home to many of the world's leading stock exchanges, including the Chicago Board of Trade, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and the Chicago Board Options Exchange, making the Chicago area a leader in the financial services industry
Region Specific Assistance
Renee Wott, MPA
Northeast Senior Region Manager
Joe McKeown
Northeast Region Manager
Sacella Smith
Northeast Region Manager
The Illinois Department of Commerce is Your One-Stop Resource
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