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Video Training & Resources

The following training videos will introduce current and potential grantees to the content, functions, and processes of grant programs. Under each video you will find a brief overview of the subject matter along with any supplemental resources. 

Applying for a Grant

Curious about grants but unsure where to start? This presentation walks potential grantees through the process of preparing for and applying for a grant with DCEO. Learn more about where to find grant opportunities, how to prepare for a grant, and what to expect upon receipt of a grant award.

Overview of Programs

This presentation outlines DCEO’s mission and areas served, discusses major grant programs, and demonstrates where to find grant opportunities.

Preparing for a Grant with DCEO

In this presentation we will outline what to expect from being a Grantee with DCEO. If you are thinking of applying for a DCEO grant, we will walk you through the recommend steps to prepare for your grant application.

Notice of Funding Opportunities

In this presentation we will outline the function and contents of a notice of funding opportunity, where Illinois residents and organizations can find grant funding opportunities, and important tips and resources available.


In this presentation we will provide a brief overview of what pre-qualification means as well the sections of the pre-qualification process and your role in obtaining a pre-qualification status.

Common Missteps

In this presentation, we addresses the Top Five Reasons that grant applications are denied. Learn how to avoid these common missteps and become better prepared to apply for a grant. 


Budget Overview

In this presentation we will briefly discuss the purpose of a budget, identify budget expenditure categories, and discuss required signatures.

Capital Grants

In this presentation, we will discuss Capital Grants is their intended purposes, discuss how Capital projects must follow the bondability guidelines, requirements for the Business Enterprise Program or BEP, as well as Environmental reviews, Illinois Works Apprenticeship Program, and Prevailing Wage.

Capital Grant Budgets

In this presentation we will define what a Capital Grant is, allowable expenses for the funding, budget template and categories, the budget certification page, and tips on how to successfully complete the Budget Template.

Operating Grant Budgets

In this presentation, we will define an operating grant and its allowable expenses for funding, what the budget template looks like, budget expense categories, the Budget Certification page, and tips on how to successfully complete the Budget Template.

Grant Agreement Overview

Pursuant to the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (30 ILCS 708), a state-wide uniform grant agreement template was developed and implemented. There are three (3) parts to the agreement. Part 1 is uniform for all state agencies. Part 2 is unique to the state awarding agency. Part 3 is grant-specific. The following is  the Department of Commerce’s Grant Agreement template (with Part 3 to be fully completed at the time of award).

Grantee Compliance Enforcement System

This presentation will provide you with an understanding of what will happen if a grantee cannot comply with grant requirements and deadlines including the different ways a grantee can be non-compliant, the difference between being placed on temporary and permanent stop pay status, how to navigate the GATA Grantee Portal to see if your entity is on the IL Stop Payment List, who to contact regarding being placed on the IL Stop Payment List, what happens when grantees resolve non-compliance, and some other tips and resources for grantees.

Procurement Standards

In this presentation, we will be discussing the procurement standards that must be followed with your grant from the State of Illinois. These standards help you to efficiently spend grant funds by helping you identify the most cost-effective option to carry out your grant.

Risk Assessment and PRA

This presentation outlines the Federal and Administrative Risk Internal Control Questionnaire and the Programmatic Risk Assessment, two required processes in the grant execution.

Line Item

Within this presentation we define what a Line Item Grant is and its life cycle including the pre-award and post award process. Also covered are the steps to prepare for a line item Grant and how to maintain compliance with your Grant Agreement.


In this presentation, we will discuss Grant Reporting Requirements and walk through the required reports, briefly explaining each report, and the risk of non-compliance.


This presentation will provide you with an understanding of grantee audit requirements including why and when audits are required of grantees, who covers audit costs, what different audits may be required and their different requirements, how to access your entity’s audit requirements in the GATA Grantee Portal, the steps for submitting the audit requirements in the portal, and other tips and resources.

Conflict of Interest

This video discusses conflicts of interest as well as potential conflicts of interest and how to address them.

Indirect Costs

This presentation outlines the purpose of Indirect Cost Rate elections, the different types of Indirect Costs Rates, how to submit, and where to find additional resources.

2 CFR 200 Tips

This presentation addresses the Code of Federal Regulations, also known as CFR, as well as eCFR, the electronic version, and how to interpret and navigate each. 

Record Retention

In this presentation we discuss the purpose of record retention, what is included, how long records are maintained, and the consequences of non-compliance.