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DCEO Grant Opportunities

Grant ​Description
Connect Illinois Round 4-Broadband Equity Access and Deployment Program (BEAD) Application Deadline: February 26, 2025:  BEAD-funded Connect Illinois Round 4 deploys broadband service to unserved and underserved locations. In accordance with the BEAD Program, this program prioritizes projects that provide fiber connectivity directly to the end-user while considering projects that use other technologies to ensure universal coverage.
Megasites Development Program - Rochelle and Lee County Application Deadline: March 10, 2025: A grant provided through this opportunity will support site readiness infrastructure investments needed to prepare rail-served industrial property to support investment in the City of Rochelle and Lee County.
Tech Incubator Enhancement Program Application Deadline: March 17, 2025: The Tech Incubator Enhancement Grants Program (TIEG) aims to modernize and revitalize tech incubators across Illinois to meet the evolving needs of startups in the post-pandemic era. This initiative seeks to support the transformation of tech spaces, embracing a hybrid work model, and fostering an ecosystem of innovation, collaboration, and resilience. This program will provide capital grants to support facilities and equipment at incubators for startups in key growth industries to ensure that existing incubators can continue to provide top notch services and cutting-edge equipment, and to establish new ones in parts of the state where entrepreneurs do not have access to these services.
Apprenticeship Expansion Competitive Grant Program Application Deadline: March 21, 2025: The Apprenticeship Expansion Program will support high-impact apprenticeship intermediaries focused on expanding Registered Apprenticeship Programs throughout the State of Illinois. It is anticipated that the Department will use funding from the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) State Apprenticeship Expansion Program and/or the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Statewide Activities Talent Pipeline Program to support high-impact Apprenticeship Intermediaries that will excel in establishing, scaling, and sustaining apprenticeship programs.
Small Business Capital and Infrastructure Grant Program Application Deadline: April 7, 2025: The 2024 Office of Economic Equity & Empowerment (“OE3”) Small Business Capital and Infrastructure Grant Program builds upon the success of the 2020 Capital Grant Program. Based on the immense need for assistance for businesses of all sizes and types and the Administration’s commitment to equity, this program is designed to help small businesses strengthen their operations, overcome financial challenges, and continue contributing to their communities and Illinois' economy. This funding opportunity is designed to support businesses owned by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals (SEDI) or very small businesses (VSBs) by providing financial assistance for capital improvement projects that will drive business growth, enhance operational efficiency, promote sustainability, and support job creation and retention.
Illinois Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program (IDEC) Application Deadline: May 8, 2025: The Illinois Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program will empower and equip individuals and communities with the skills, resources, and confidence they need to use the internet to fully participate in Illinois’ modern society and economy. Recognizing that achieving digital equity for all people is a matter of social and economic justice, this NOFO seeks to enable any entity that is awarded a grant under this Program to better address systemic barriers to digital equity, resulting in improved outcomes in health, education, economic stability, and quality of life.
Electric Vehicle Career and Technical Education Program for Normal Illinois   Application Deadline: June 1, 2025:  Investments in clean energy technology and infrastructure, funded through state programs, offer numerous employment and business development opportunities for the residents of Illinois, with a focus on creating equitable opportunities for underserved and marginalized groups.  The goal of this program is to support the electric vehicle sector in Normal, Illinois, by strengthening the talent pipeline throughout Central Illinois thanks to customized workforce programs, education and economic development services.
Clean Energy Career Pathway Program Application Deadline: June 30, 2025: The Clean Energy Career Pathway Program will provide funding directly to eligible recipients to support the planning and implementation of a Clean Energy Career Pathway. Programs will include coursework, field experiences, and work-based learning designed to prepare students for entrance into careers focusing on electric vehicles. This funding opportunity seeks qualified, eligible public or private educational institutions at the secondary and post-secondary level that will work with the Local Workforce Innovation Areas and employers to recruit students into clean energy fields and create pathways encompassing technical and employability skills with dual credit options.
Business Attraction Prime Sites Application Deadline: June 30, 2025: The intent of this program is to assist companies with large-scale capital investment projects that commit to significant job creation for Illinois residents as they relocate or expand operations within Illinois.  Business Attraction Prime Sites grants can encompass a wide range of economic development projects and may include infrastructure and capital equipment purchases that will result in job creation in the stateof Illinois.
SBIR/STTR Match Program Application Deadline: June 30, 2025: The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) are competitive federal grant programs that provide funding opportunities for small businesses to perform research and development (R&D) on technology of interest to federal agencies. Both projects provide funding to explore the potential of high-tech products and encourage commercialization of those products. This program would provide a state match to companies that have received awards through the SBIR and STTR grant programs.
Illinois Grocery Initiative - Equipment Upgrade Program (Round 2) Application Deadline: December 15, 2025:  The Illinois Grocery Initiative Equipment Upgrades Program, authorized by Public Act 103-0561, will provide grants for new energy-efficient equipment upgrades for existing independently-owned for-profit grocery stores, cooperative grocery stores, or not-for-profit grocery stores.
Community Development Block Grant Economic Development Program Application Deadline: Rolling: The program provides federal funding for community-based projects. Communities in non-metropolitan areas can apply for Economic Development funding to assist private business in retaining or creating full-time, permanent jobs. Grant funds may also be used for improvements to public infrastructure that directly supports companies in local communities.
Illinois Returning Residents Clean Jobs Program (CEJA) Application Deadline: Rolling: The Returning Residents Program will deliver clean jobs training in Illinois Department of Corrections facilities to individuals within 36 months of their release to prepare them to work in clean energy and related sector jobs upon release. The Program will provide classroom instruction and hands-on learning opportunities, utilizing a standard Clean Jobs Curriculum Framework, connect Program graduates with potential employers in the clean energy industry, and address participant needs.
Illinois Reproductive Grant Expansion Program Application Deadline: Rolling:  Illinois Reproductive Grant Extension Program will provide grants for pregnancy centers which include organizations or facilities that has health care employees, volunteers, or agents who are licensed health care professionals. Pregnancy-related services include any medical service, or health counseling service, related to the prevention, preservation, or termination of pregnancy. Organizations are not to engage in unfair methods or deceptive acts or practices, including the use or employment of any deception, fraud, false pretense, false promise, or misrepresentation to interfere with or prevent an individual from seeking to gain entry or access. 
Federal Grant Support Program General announcement open for a period of time with no specific due dates for applications: The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity’s (DCEO)’s Federal Grant Match Program will make funding available to Illinois-based businesses and organizations seeking competitive federal grants. This match program will encourage more applicants to apply for federal grant opportunities, provide critical assistance to meet the minimum match eligibility requirements, increase the competitiveness of applications, and provide the State of Illinois with an opportunity to make a firm commitment and demonstration of support for projects that are well aligned with the State’s economic development goals and priorities.
CDBG Disaster Response Program Application Deadline: Rolling: This program is designed for communities experiencing an imminent and urgent threat to public health and safety as indicated by a disaster declaration by the Governor of the State of Illinois.