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DCEO Grant Opportunities

Grant ​Description
Film and TV Workforce Training Program Application Deadline: July 9, 2024:  The goal of the Film and TV Workforce Training Program is to train Illinois high school graduates (or equivalent) in entry level film and television production positions. These positions can include on set training (production assistants, hair and make up), office training (office production assistants, location assistants, production accountants), and other entry level positions to meet the increased demand for more workers to staff the growing number of productions in Illinois.
Rebuild Downtowns & Main Streets & Research in Illinois to Spur Economic Recovery Implementation Grants Application Deadline: July 22, 2024: The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) is providing a joint application for the RDMS and RISE Implementation programs. Rebuild Downtowns & Main Streets (RDMS) will facilitate investment to revitalize commercial corridors and downtown areas in Illinois, offering capital grants to support improvements in communities that have experienced disinvestment, particularly those hardest-hit by the COVID-19 crisis. Research in Illinois to Spur Economic Recovery (RISE) Implementation Grants are a strategic effort to allocate funding towards economic development projects or initiatives identified by RISE Local and Regional Planning (RISE Planning) grants.
Job Training and Economic Development - Teachers Apprenticeship Program Application Deadline:  July 31, 2024:  The JTED Teachers Apprenticeship Program will fund proposals that support the teacher pipeline that has been exhausted by the COVID-19 pandemic with a goal of developing a registered apprenticeship program through the U.S. Department of Labor.  The objective of this NOFO is to establish a teacher apprenticeship pilot program for current paraprofessional educators facing barriers to employment.  This pilot program will provide career pathway opportunities and support services for successful placement into the teacher workforce. It is anticipated that through this NOFO at least 60 individuals from the target populations may be served.
Community Development Block Grant-Coronavirus Urban Shelter Program Application Deadline: July 31, 2024: The objective of this program is to fund construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or acquisition of property for Homeless (as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Shelters dedicated to the provision of stable, safe and adequate housing; with a goal of increasing capacity to pre-COVID levels.
Illinois Clean Energy Primes Contractor Accelerator Program Application Deadline: August 1, 2024: The Clean Energy Primes Contractor Accelerator Program offers progressive courses with one-on-one coaching to help clean energy contractors to develop a business plan. It provides operational support grants, tailored business coaching, mentorship, access to Clean Energy Contractor Incubator Program services, assistance with certifications and vendor status, support in preparing bids, networking opportunities, and access to financial development assistance programs, including zero-interest and low-interest loans.
Quality Jobs Program  Application Deadline: December 31, 2024:  The Quality Jobs Pilot Program is a joint initiative of the State workforce partners and the Illinois Department of Labor (ILDOL) that is focused on developing, testing and evaluating strategies that improve the quality of jobs for workers and increase the competitiveness of key industries and employers.
Job Training and Economic Development - Home Illinois Workforce Pilot Application Deadline: December 31, 2024:  The JTED Home Illinois Workforce Pilot program will serve individuals experiencing homelessness that reside in shelters or who participate in a Rapid Re-housing ("RRH") and meet the criteria of under-employed, unemployed, or under-represented. It will connect people who are experiencing homelessness to employment and that demonstrate systemic coordination of the homeless response system and workforce system.  The intended result of coordinating to improve employment opportunities is to improve the financial stability of individuals and their ability to afford permanent housing in their communities.
Business Attraction Prime Sites Application Deadline: June 30, 2025: The intent of this program is to assist companies with large-scale capital investment projects that commit to significant job creation for Illinois residents as they relocate or expand operations within Illinois.  Business Attraction Prime Sites grants can encompass a wide range of economic development projects and may include infrastructure and capital equipment purchases that will result in job creation in the stateof Illinois.
SBIR/STTR Match Program Application Deadline: June 30, 2025: The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) are competitive federal grant programs that provide funding opportunities for small businesses to perform research and development (R&D) on technology of interest to federal agencies. Both projects provide funding to explore the potential of high-tech products and encourage commercialization of those products. This program would provide a state match to companies that have received awards through the SBIR and STTR grant programs.
Clean Energy Contractor Incubator Program Application Deadline: Rolling: The Illinois Clean Energy Contractor Incubator Program is a support initiative designed to nurture and accelerate clean energy contractors and businesses within the state. It provides resources, mentorship, and training to help these contractors thrive in the growing clean energy sector while contributing to Illinois' sustainability goals.
Illinois Returning Residents Clean Jobs Program (CEJA) Application Deadline: Rolling: The Returning Residents Program will deliver clean jobs training in Illinois Department of Corrections facilities to individuals within 36 months of their release to prepare them to work in clean energy and related sector jobs upon release. The Program will provide classroom instruction and hands-on learning opportunities, utilizing a standard Clean Jobs Curriculum Framework, connect Program graduates with potential employers in the clean energy industry, and address participant needs.
Illinois Reproductive Grant Expansion Program Application Deadline: Rolling:  Illinois Reproductive Grant Extension Program will provide grants for pregnancy centers which include organizations or facilities that has health care employees, volunteers, or agents who are licensed health care professionals. Pregnancy-related services include any medical service, or health counseling service, related to the prevention, preservation, or termination of pregnancy. Organizations are not to engage in unfair methods or deceptive acts or practices, including the use or employment of any deception, fraud, false pretense, false promise, or misrepresentation to interfere with or prevent an individual from seeking to gain entry or access. 
Federal Grant Support Program General announcement open for a period of time with no specific due dates for applications: The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity’s (DCEO)’s Federal Grant Match Program will make funding available to Illinois-based businesses and organizations seeking competitive federal grants. This match program will encourage more applicants to apply for federal grant opportunities, provide critical assistance to meet the minimum match eligibility requirements, increase the competitiveness of applications, and provide the State of Illinois with an opportunity to make a firm commitment and demonstration of support for projects that are well aligned with the State’s economic development goals and priorities.
CDBG Economic Development Program Application Deadline: Rolling: The Economic Development component funds are available on an as-needed basis throughout the year to all eligible applicants meeting program component requirements until all funds allocated to this component have been distributed. All awards in this category are predicated upon project feasibility and a demonstrated need for funds. Only projects that create and/or retain permanent jobs will be funded. Projects should attract sizable private investment, have solid commitments to create or retain permanent jobs and demonstrate financial feasibility and benefit to low-to-moderate income persons.
CDBG Disaster Response Program Application Deadline: Rolling: This program is designed for communities experiencing an imminent and urgent threat to public health and safety as indicated by a disaster declaration by the Governor of the State of Illinois.
Connect Illinois Broadband Grant Program Application Deadline: Rolling: Support broadband deployment to expand and strengthen existing broadband network infrastructure, health information technology, telemedicine, distance learning, and public safety.